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Minutes from August 1, 2017 Executive Committee Meeting

Posted by Tom Wendorf on Aug 07 2017 at 05:00PM PDT in 2019


August 1, 2017

In attendance: Bo Wood, Dick Mullins, Keith Purdy, Tom Wendorf, Carl Pierce.

• The meeting was called to order at 12:00 by Bo.

• Bo reported that the end-of-season picnic is set for Tuesday, September 12th at 1:00 p.m. at American Legion Post #24. Price is $5 per person. Each person (or couple or family) is asked to bring a side dish or dessert enough for six people. The last day of the tournament is on the same day.

• Gary Meredith’s Memorial Service was discussed. The service is at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, 8/17. In order to make is easier for some of the players to attend if they are interested, it was decided to move game times up one-half hour and use hot weather speed-up rules. Game times will be 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30.

• Plans are underway to sell advertising space on the homerun fences. An individual sign will be made for each company wishing to advertise and will be mounted to the fence. The first sign has been ordered. More details to follow once the first sign is installed.

• Contractors will be solicited to fix and maintain the field irrigation systems. It was acknowledged that a properly working irrigation system is a top priority. • About a dozen tickets are left for the Shorebirds game on OTS night (8/10). (UPDATE: no tickets left.)

• Seeding the outfields was discussed. This should be accomplished this fall.

• Possible changes to the By-Laws were discussed. At least two will be presented at the next Board of Directors meeting.

• Fall Ball will start after the tournament is over. All players that want to play Fall Ball will need to fill out a registration form. The fee for Fall Ball will be $10 per person. Registration forms will be available in the next couple of weeks. Volunteers will be sought to be managers of the fall teams.

• The process for updating all player ratings based on 2017 season performance was discussed. More on this later.

• The annual OTS Golf Tournament will be held Wednesday, 10/18. Details and forms will be available next week.

• Plans for a dinner for significant contributors to the success of OTS over the last 20 years are firming up.

• The Executive Committee approved a $100 donation to the Dagsboro Fire Department for letting OTS use their facilities for several meetings.

The meeting adjourned at 1:35 PM. 

Respectfully submitted,


C. Pierce, Secretary


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