

Board of Directors Meeting - June 12, 2009

Posted by Tom Wendorf on Jul 19 2009 at 05:00PM PDT in 2019

OTS Board of Directors Meeting

June 12, 2009


The Executive Committee (OTS Officers) and the Managers, which make up the Board of Directors of OTS, met today, along with some of the assistant managers.  The meeting took place at the Arby's in Millsboro due to rain.

Bo announced this was the of 3 summer meetings that would take place.  These meetings are to go over any issues that come up, vote on issues where needed and plan for any events/activities that OTS may be involved in.

1)  An issue that came up during a game was discussed, Bo investigated the incident and reported on what he found.  The conduct of one or more players, the fact the running rule was not followed and the perception of how team assignments of players after the draft were all issues that contributed to the incident.  Bo is satisfied that after his investigation and actions, the incident is closed.

2)  The running rule was again discussed, and will remain as it is at this time and will be revisited at the September BOD meeting.

3)  Bo went over the method he uses to place new players on teams, some teams expressed their needs due to injuries, etc.

4)  The first annual OTS Golf Tournament will take place on June 24th at the Deer Run Golf Course in Berlin, Md.  We have the opportunity to make up to $1000 if we can get 40 golfers to play.

5)  Bo reported that all teams are doing a great job preparing the fields each week.  When doing the fields, consider this:  If the field is wet, roll it only, do not drag it.  If the field is dry, drag it, no need to roll it.  If moist but not wet, can be rolled, then dragged.

6)  Rain outs-  The high number of rain outs were discussed.  An idea to make up the games was discussed, basically if a rainout occurred on Tuesday the games would be played on Wednesday, and if on Thursday the makeup would be Friday.  At this time in mid season it was thought this could not be done since some players would not be able to participate, it was agreed that this is something to look at for next season, held for future discussions.

7)  Bo discussed the "one-pitch" tournament and picnic that would be held on July 4th at the COG fields.  Family invited, games would take place and then a cookout at the fields after the games.

8)  OC Tournament - Bo discussed a request to have OTS put money up front with the anticipation that American Legion Post #24 would reimburse up to $300 for players aged 55 to 64, who do not have the oppotunity to play in other tournaments, such as Olney, Md. which is for ages that start at 65, 70 and 75.  This was approved.

9)  New Business included discussion on the following:

     a)  AED - automatic external defibrillator - an AED is being donated by Rescue One for Life out of Montgomery County, Md.   It will be kept at the American Legion #24 when not in use, and be taken to the fields during games.  A group of OTS players who want to become certified will be offered that opportunity at no cost to them.  The unit will be kept in a car parked away from the others so there is access from both fields.

     b)  Player ratings for some needed to be re-done  That will be taken care of.

     c)  The odd number of teams, which forces a Bye, was discussed and it was generally agreed that this was not a good idea, it really has not worked out.  In the future, the league may look into only having an even number of teams, which could force a player limit for the league so each team's rosters are kept to a manageable level.  For example, if we have 10 teams and we want no more that 13 per team, we will accept the first 130 applications (with payment), the rest will be placed on a "wait list" and called up as people become injured, leave a team, etc.  For 12 teams, the maximum for 13 per team is 156 players.  No decision was made, just a general discussion for the future, but with the growth of the league this year (over 30 new players) we may have to look at limits on the number of players we can accept.

     d)  There have been conflicting e-mails issued, we will take steps to prevent this in the future.  Most e-mails for OTS activities, practices, etc. should go through the OTS secretary for player contact.

     e)  The pickup games that were going to take place for the Bye teams aren't working, and as we get in to the hot summer months it is unlikely they will take place.  If a Bye team wants to play a game, we can contact players to see if a pickup team is available, let the OTS secretary know.

Ed Sternberg bought coffee for the group, thanks go to him for that.  Meeting was adjourned.


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